
근대회화의 거장 폴 세잔느[Paul Cezanne]의 풍경화 본문

건강,생활 상식

근대회화의 거장 폴 세잔느[Paul Cezanne]의 풍경화

불꽃緝熙 2016. 12. 5. 21:38

여름향기속님의.. 근대회화의 거장 폴 세잔느[Paul Cezanne]의 풍경화




Landscape. Study after Nature 1876 (Study: Landscape at Auvers) 

Landscape. Study after Nature 1876

Cezanne, Paul: Landscapes

Paul Cezanne was a post-impressionist painter who created the bridge between impressionism and cubism,;

and is said to be the artistic father of both Matisse and Picasso. Although he was dissuaded;

by his father at an early age to pursue his passions in painting, he left his hometown of Provence for Paris,; in 1861. It was there that he met Camille Pisarro>

a popular impressionist painter, who served as his mentor and guide. He began painting in the impressionistic style, but later began;

to structurally order what he saw and painted into simple forms and planes of color.;

He also began to simplify the forms he painted into shapes, such as a tree into a column. Unlike many of the painters of his day,;

who focused on one or maybe two subject styles, Cezanne concentrated on still lifes, portraits, landscapes, and nude studies 

Study: Landscape at Auvers 

Jas de Buffan, The Pool 
c. 1876 (150 Kb); The Hermitage, St. Petersburg; No. 3KP 530. Formerly collection Otto Krebs, Holzdorf

Maisons au bord d'une route 
1881 (130 Kb); "Houses Along a Road" The Hermitage, St. Petersburg; Formerly collection Otto Krebs, Holzdorf 

Route tournante a La Roche-Guyon (A Turn in the Road at La Roche-Guyon) 
1885 (120 Kb); Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA; enturi no. 441

1885-86 (130 Kb); The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pennsylvania

1885-86 (170 Kb); The Brooklyn Museum, NY; Venturi no. 431 

Montagnes en Provence (Mountains in Provence) 
1886-90 (140 Kb); National Gallery,London; Venturi no. 491

Road at Chantilly

Maison et ferme du Jas de Bouffan (House and Farm at Jas de Bouffan)
1889-90 (140 Kb); Narodni Galerie, Prague; Venturi no. 460 

Maison et arbres 
1890-94 (160 Kb); The Barnes Foundation, Merion,Pennsylvania 

Well: Millstone and Cistern Under Trees (Meule et citerne sous bois) 
1892 (170 Kb); Oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm(25 5/8 x 31 7/8 in); The Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pennsylvania,

Le lac d'Annecy (Lake Annecy) 
1896 (190 Kb); Oil on Canvas, 64.2 x 79.1 cm (25 1/4 x 31 1/8 in); Venturi 762; Courtauld Institute Galleries, London 

1895-1900 (150 Kb); Watercolor and pencil on paper, The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Woods with Millstone

Turning Road at Montgeroult

Houses on the Hill (River Bank) 
1900-06 (100 Kb); McNay Art Institute, San Antonio, TX

Morning in Provence (Sous-Bois Provencal) 
1900-06 (130 Kb); Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY 

Bend in Road 
1900-06 (160 Kb); Private Collection; Venturi 790 

Bend in Forest Road 
1902-06 (200 Kb); Collection Dr. Ruth Bakwin, New York; Venturi 789 

Bords d'une riviere (Riverbanks)
1904-05 (180 Kb); Private collection, Switzerland; Venturi no. 771 

Le Cabanon de Jourdan 
1906 (190 Kb); Collection Riccardo Jucker, Milan; Venturi 805

The House with Cracked Walls

Etude: Paysage a Auvers (Study: Landscape at Auvers);
The bend in the road (1905) 완성기를 대표하는 작품, 후기 인상파가 아닌 Cubism 으로 분류


The House with Cracked Walls



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